Wealthy Affiliate – Everything You Need To Your Destiny

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It is with great fun fair and much alacrity to say that for the few weeks that I have been within the community of Wealthy Affiliate, It is palpable without a doubt for me to list my accomplishments thus far as follows:

  • I have been able to have my very own niche website on my own domain
  • I have optimized my website for SEO
  • I understand the process of creating content
  • I have created several pages of content that are starting to get ranked
  • I have acquired the foundation for a long term, and successful business to be in place
  • I have the magic wand to know more than 99.9% of my competition :):)
  • So far gotten seventy (70) plus followers and counting as of this writing

I am indeed very elated and proud of being here at WA simply because I have learnt so much for such a short time. We have a great community that goes above and beyond every day to keep the spirit of CARING flowing… Isn’t that what WA instills and proclaims among other things?

As I am heavily engage with the training and managing to know my new family here at Wealthy Affiliate brings in mind what plans and goals I have for the next three (3) months, the following are what I plan to do:

  • Work on as many feedback and comments as possible
  • Continue to help my fellow friends and neighbours within the community
  • Be a SME in my respective niche
  • Stay determine, work hard and stay focused
  • Get google to like my website
  • Become the very best that I can be and be able to deliver to my WA community

As far as the upcoming six (6) months goes I plan to have:

  • Gotten one-hundred and fifty (150) referrals to WA
  • Been within the 100 or less rank (432) within WA
  • Have a Flourishing and sound business to offset my current income
  • Be much more engaged to help my fellow members
  • Continue learning….

In consideration to the above and given I am still one of the new members on the block I am still learning how to follow albeit I am not a follower :)! I will sincerely like to thank Kyle, Carson and the whole WA community for their selflessness and relentlessness spirit for making this community the best community that ever existed on the Universe.

As always you are welcome to leave me a note or questions that you might have and I will certainly get back to you.  Please do so in the comment section below.

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