Creating A Website For Free – Amazing SiteRubix WordPress Builder

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Have you ever had the interest of creating an online presence for your business, passion, hobby and niches and can’t figure out how and what to do?  Will your only recourse then be having someone else to do it for you? Well, if so you are definitely not alone.  I can help by showing you how creating a website for free From Scratch on the stunning SiteRubix WordPress Builder platform can be easily accomplished.

I will show you how you can easily build out your very own beautiful professional looking website for practically anything you want. What can you do with your beautiful website?  Do you have any business and niche ideas that for long you want to execute?  Guess what?  You can now be able to achieve all these goals and dreams with your very own website that you are going to learn to build from scratch. Are you getting excited? I know you are :)!

Important: This is NOT some “push button system” you can just ‘plug into’ and watch the money roll in. This takes real effort, to put real money in your bank. If you’re not willing to apply what you learn, you’re better off saving yourself the time, and exiting this page.

SiteRubix is The Most Simple Website Builder Platform

For you to realize you creation on the internet and for you to have an online presence you will need a website.  Do you remember how cumbersome and technically challenging using HTML codes to build a website from scratch was sometime ago?  Long gone are those days. I remembered taking the average person weeks if not months to get a scrappy website up during that era.

Now you better believe you can get a website build without the knowledge of all the technical mumbo jumbo. With that I would like to introduce the most advanced and powerful website builder ever existed i.e SiteRubix the WordPress website builder platform.

It important to let you know that Wealthy Affiliate the giant in the online space believe it or not is the creator of this wonderful software called SiteRubix WordPress Builder.  Worth noting below are some capabilities and features of this platform software:

  • infinite website features that will whet you appetite
  • Powerful technology that is truly astonishing
  • Responsive and definitely mobile readiness
  • Suitable for Developers
  • Create Something Amazing
  • Equipped with over 3,000 plus preferred designs themes/template to choose
  • Great functionality features to extend your project sustainability
  • The easiest website builder in the world
  • Infinite choice of layout options for themes / templates

The Community – Where You Drive to Achieve Success and The Best Place on Earth to hone Your Skills!!

Wealthy Affiliate as the name sounds is not to be confused with those Get-Rich-Quick-Schemes establishments and rather be reckoned as one of the world’s best in terms of the huge advancement in the internet technology space second to none in the online stratosphere. The Caring within this community is massive for you to succeed in any goal you set forth to accomplish.

There are 10,000 plus caring expert any given time and day to help you with any question you have or stuck with regarding your training. Sincerely an amazing pay-it-forward environment that truly works! I highly recommend for you to check it out!  The step-by-step comprehensive training is awesome and is tailored for any and everyone yearning to learn, apply and succeed.

It is indeed that simple! Yes, you heard that correctly, You got to want something and got to work diligently with perseverance to succeed.  You get all that you need the moment you join the fine community to learn all the ropes to be successful and earn Real Money online.  Cost to join is Fat $0, Zilch, Nada! When it comes to your training…

Rest assured that you will get all the tools and definitely the support channel to propel you to the next level of your journey to success.  Yes, this the amazing and happening place where everything is transparent and not a get-rich-quick-scheme.  Here you do the work and you get real result as simple as that, there is no luck here.

Let’s Build Interesting And Wonderful Website To The Touch

Are you ready to learn to build your very own website and be successful using it online for practically anything you want to achieve? What criteria must you used to get your website functional and reliable? The following depicts what all consist of the criteria a good website must have:

  • The Speed & The Load Time
  • Professional Design & Look
  • Easy to Navigate layout
  • Content Management System (CMS) Utilization
  • Good Quality Contents
  • Relevant theme/template to niche

Amazing Tutorial Video To Watch To Get The Idea

This is from one of the Wealthy Affiliate member that is showing the easiness on how to build your website in 3 minutes or so with the amazing SiteRubix WordPress platform.  You may click on the image below to see what this is all about.  You will have an exercise after you watch to build out your own stunning website in a moment.

You can definitely accomplish all of this five (5) points stated above with the system I am about to show you on how to build a lovely website of your own.  This will literally take you thirty (3o) seconds or less to build out a stunning website that you can use for any and everything you can imagine.

Are You Now Ready to Build Your Website?  No Need To Wait… In the box below enter the name you want for your website, for example let say how to plant is the name you chose.  You may enter that as howtoplant without spaces.  After that simply click on the blue Build it Now button to finish the amazing build of your beautiful website.

10 Free Training Lessons – Abundance In Text and Videos

I am going to give you ten (10) free training tutorial as a free member with this great Wealthy Affiliate online community to learn all the nitty gritty and ropes on how to really create anything or any business you so desires. It is of course up to you to determine whatever you want to do with your website. Click the picture below to gain access!

The Amazing World of Websites – The Best Passion Sustainability!

Now what? You have created your stunning website on the state-of-the-art platform and don’t know what to do with your website? Here are some cool things you can definitely bear in mind…

  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Community Organizations
  • Education
  • Proprietary Businesses and the like
  • Selling/buying of products
  • Sharing awareness across the globe

I would like to take this opportunity to take a stab on synopsis of Affiliate marketing.  Very happy to show you all the skills that you will be learning and apply with your training here at Wealthy Affiliate.  Detail below is the skill you will need to be a successful Affiliate Marketer.

Article Writing – WA has a great platform anyone can use it

Keyword Research – Finding just the right keyword that has all the qualities you need can be a bit tricky and confusing at first.  First, what are the criteria for a good usable keyword? Monthly Searches (Try for at least 250) Competition (400 or less is recommended) Usability (Make sure you use Keywords that read naturally)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) onsite and offsite – An example of onsite SEO are the pictures you place inside the post.  When Google’s crawler visits your website, it can’t see pictures but it can read the text in the title, alternate title, and the description areas.

Making sure to fill these spaces with relevant keywords can give your post a little added boost.  It can make the difference between page two and page one in many cases. An example of offsite optimization would be back links.

The problem with back links is, so many people are still selling back links to new unsuspecting would be marketers.  The issue with this is that poor back links can have a detrimental effect on your entire website.  

Social Networking – Facebook, Google plus. LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc. This is often times one of the most overlooked aspects of marketing.  I know when I first got involved with affiliate marketing, my thinking was that people don’t want me in their social networks, selling and promoting, well I was right, they don’t. This is where you need an education. You need experienced marketers who are willing to help you learn.

Wealthy Affiliate has all the resources you need to become an expert in any and all fields of internet marketing, but you have to dig in and find what you need, no one is going to do it for you, but EVERYONE here is willing to help you along the way.

Website Building – You do have the option of hiring someone to build it for you or you can learn to do it yourself.  You are now at least able to build it on your own. You have clearly tasted and seen the process gotten much better and easier than compared to years ago.

Here Details The Best And Outstanding Affiliate Marketing Breakdown

1) A Regular Business A Regular Business

2) Affiliate Marketer Win / Win Arrangement 

Now you can build your very own elegant websites to cater any thing you can conceive and imagine for years to come.  Wealthy Affiliate has the tools, the expertise and definitely the support channel to get your dream and goals realized.  It is now up to you to take that leap…

Pleasure to be in your residence and thank you for the warm invitation today.  Please feel absolutely free to engage me with any questions you might have via the comment section below and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

To Your Success,

Sidney Akollor

Proprietor of How Affiliate Work

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